
Physicians in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Special Interest Section
Section Members: Log In to Access Community Site
Pharmaceutical Industry section leadership
Chair Sean Maloney
Secretary/Treasurer Manupreet Chawla
Vice Chair Marcia Isakari
Who Should Join? 

Healthcare professionals, medical directors and others working in delivering employee health services within the pharmaceutical and related industries e.g. Biotech.


The Pharmaceutical Industry Section is an ACOEM specialty section devoted to discussing, addressing and sharing information on issues and topics relevant to Occupational Health, Wellness and Productivity in the global pharmaceutical industry.

The range of topics that are discussed is varied and the agenda is driven by section members.  Examples of issues discussion include;

  • Exposure to highly potent pharmaceutical compounds
  • Biosafety
  • Nanotechnology
  • Developing a health culture within a healthcare industry
  • Laboratory animal allergy
  • Pandemic planning and supply of critical medicines
  • Addressing occupational health risks in pharmaceutical sales forces
  • Competency development of occupational health practitioners in emerging markets
  • Managing global health services

Annual section dues to cover administrative costs and the cost of the lunch or dinner included in the yearly meeting. 

Highlighted Activities
  • The section meets face-to-face annually at the American Occupational Health Conference (AOHC) to share ideas, discuss common issues, and promote dialogue pertaining to the occupational and preventive health issues of the pharmaceutical industry.
  • Quarterly teleconferences with section members are held to facilitate ongoing discussion and follow up of topics of interest.
  • Members use the section to benchmark on a wide range of issues.  This benchmarking is shared at meetings, teleconferences or electronically.